Spider (Thread) Vein Removal

Spider (thread) vein removal

Having thread or spider veins is a common condition that profoundly affects wellbeing, and can become a serious concern. Yet all too often, they are left untreated, or - worse still - treated by an unqualified clinician.

Spider vein treatment

What are thread veins?

Thread veins, also commonly known as spider veins, broken veins or surface veins, are fine yet prominent veins that appear just below the skin’s surface. They are most often found on areas of the face and legs, but can appear anywhere on the body. Their common name derives from their appearance, as their fine lines often produce a spidery pattern on the skin.

What is the cause of thread veins?

Thread veins occur when blood vessels in the skin become permanently dilated. This can be as the result of a number of factors, either singularly or in combination. Causes can include wound or injury, sun exposure, or hormonal changes in the body. They may also be an indication of underlying vein problems.

How to get rid of spider veins

Thanks to years of research and experience, thread veins of all sizes, including those that appear on the face around the nose, and the legs can be treated with minimally-invasive procedures, most notably the Veinwave technique and Microsclerotherapy.


Also known as 'Thermavein', Veinwave is a form of thermal coagulation, where a precisely-targeted source of heat is used to seal, collapse, and gently remove the damaged veins. It’s highly effective, and delivers far better outcomes than laser treatments, which risk discolouring or damaging your skin.

This treatment is different to Radiofrequency Ablation, which is used on larger varicose veins.

During a regular treatment session, the vascular specialist administers a local anaesthetic to numb the treatment area. The surrounding tissue is then protected by the application of a cooling agent. Next, a fine needle is inserted and microwave energy is carefully directed to the affected vein(s), which causes them to collapse and become naturally reabsorbed into the body.

Your primary appointment will last 1 hour with treatment typically taking around 30 minutes. Most facial thread veins require a minimum of 2-3 treatments to get optimal results, whilst leg thread veins can take between 3-6 treatments.

There is no downtime, and it is not necessary for you to arrange someone to pick you up after treatment, even if you’ve just received treatment for spider veins on the legs.


This straightforward treatment involves injecting a saline solution into the veins, which destroys them and causes them to fade and be reabsorbed into the body. As soon as the solution is inserted, the vein needs to be compressed; this is done by taping a cotton swab to the skin. Larger veins may require foam sclerotherapy and the use of duplex ultrasound, allowing your surgeon to target and monitor the affected veins with greater precision.

This process was designed as a gentle alternative to remove spider veins, meaning that local anaesthesia is not necessary. Even if you are someone who is not particularly fond of injections, there is no need to worry; most patients report only minor discomfort during treatment.

What to expect

How does much treatment cost?

Your primary appointment which includes a full diagnostic assessment of your skin and your first treatment will cost £549 in our London, Manchester, Cambridge, Exeter, Birmingham and Reading clinics. For all other clinics, the primary appointment costs £499.

Depending on your treatment recommendation, we have a number of package deals available to help you through your journey cost effectively, with discounts of up to 22.5% off. Speak to our team to learn more about what this might look like for you.

To learn more about pricing and packages, click here

Why UK Vein Clinic?

As part of UK Vein Clinic, our sister company Dr Newmans Clinic is the UK's only doctor-led spider vein removal specialists. Led by clinical evidence and a rigorous care pathway, we have perfected thread vein treatments that are not just effective, but are designed to deliver the best outcome and highest standards of care to our patients.

Help us find the right treatment for you

Have you been meaning to get your spider veins treated for some time but keep putting it off? We’re here to help. If you have any concerns regarding pain, downtime, side effects or recovery, we would be more than happy to give you the guidance you need

Take the first step to healthy veins and get in touch with us today!

Tips to find the best thread vein removal treatments

Over recent years, we’ve seen more and more places offer ‘thread vein removal treatments’. So, in theory, you can get a ‘thread vein treatment’ pretty much anywhere in the UK.

Nowadays, many beauty clinics and salons offer thread vein treatments as an add-on service to their speciality. These treatments can often seem appealing at first due to the low price. However, from experience, patients that have had work done by inexperienced clinics or those that use non-efficient procedures find that the results are not as desired. That’s why our doctors at Dr Newmans Clinic would always advise visiting a specialist for any thread vein issues. After all, would you want somebody who isn’t a specialist electrician re-wiring your house?

To help you decide on the best place to get thread vein treatment, we’ve put a list of tips to follow to make your decision that little bit easier.

Tips for finding the best thread vein removal treatment

Always use a specialist:
Your skin is a sensitive organ, so it should be treated with care. When considering the best place to get treated for thread veins, always enquire to ensure that the treatment will be carried out by a specialist.

Avoid laser treatments: Treating thread veins with lasers can produce some very effective results; however, laser treatment can result in skin burns, redness, swelling, discolouration, and general skin irritation. Other treatments such as Thermocoagulation can have very positive results as it’s confined to a very small area, which will reduce the risk of damaging any non-affected tissue.

Price shouldn’t be the biggest factor: Try not to factor price into it too much. Although having your thread veins treated properly by a specialist may come with a slightly higher cost than having them treated at your local beauty salon, remember that thread vein removal is a medical procedure, not a cosmetic one. Also, cheaper treatments are usually cheaper for one of two reasons:

1. The treatment will not be carried out by a qualified professional or be carried out by somebody that has very little experience in the area of thread veins.

2. The treatment will be carried out with cheaper technology and processes that may not be as effective.

Always take part in a consultation: Before you commit to or decide that you’re going to have thread vein treatment, it’s advisable to book a consultation with your chosen clinic. At your thread vein consultation, a specialist should be able to suggest the best treatment method and the number of treatments needed to see the best possible results. We recommend a thread vein consultation as diagnosing the thread veins allows a specialist to understand what treatment plan will be best for you.

Have all your questions answered before treatment: When it comes to any medical procedure, it’s imperative that you go into it with no unanswered questions. Be sure to ask every question that you need answering and seek clarification on any grey areas prior to your treatment.

Which type of thread vein treatment is best?

The best type of thread vein treatment completely depends on the depth of the thread vein. Over time, new technologies have been introduced, and it is now agreed that the two safest and most effective thread vein removal treatments are Sclerotherapy and Thermocoagulation.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment that involves injecting a solution into the affected vein, destroying it by causing swelling. Sclerotherapy is routinely used to treat thread veins in the leg area.

Thermocoagulation (Veinwave)
Thermocoagulation, or Veinwave, is a treatment that uses microwave technology to destroy thread veins. Veinwave can be used to treat a variety of thread veins in all areas of the body.

Visiting Dr Newmans Clinic for thread vein removal treatments
At Dr Newmans Clinic we have thread vein removal clinics throughout the UK, covering the majority of major cities. Each of our clinics are doctor-led, meaning all appointments and treatments are carried out by a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get rid of spider veins naturally?

No. When looking for treatment options online, you’ll likely come across many alternative remedies that are claimed to naturally stop spider veins from developing. These include creams, apple cider vinegar, red wine, witch hazel, and vaporub, among others.

These remedies are not backed by scientific evidence, and any indication of success is purely anecdotal. If you’re unsure about any claims that you come across, we’d be happy to provide you with relevant information and help you find the right solution for your spider veins.

Are thread veins painful?

It is unusual for this condition to manifest physical symptoms. On occasion however patients will experience swelling, throbbing, itching or generalised discomfort around the affected area, and this may be the primary reason that they seek treatment. For most patients however, whilst a clinical approach to treatment is advisable, thread veins represent more of an aesthetic than a medical issue; typically they lower self-esteem and self-confidence.

Is spider vein treatment painful?

No. During Veinwave treatment sessions, a numbing agent is used to make the procedure virtually painless. And during Microsclerotherapy, no anaesthetic is needed as this simple technique only involves injecting a saline solution into the damaged veins.

Can you get rid of spider veins without surgery?

Absolutely. Contrary to popular belief, vein stripping is not the only way to get rid of varicose veins. Patients who undergo this form of treatment experience a more complex recovery process and often see their varicose veins or spider veins coming back after some time. Currently, the best way to make thread veins disappear is through minimally-invasive techniques such as Veinwave and Microsclerotherapy.

Which thread vein treatment is best for the leg area?

Prior to undertaking any thread vein procedure in the leg area, it is always recommended that patients attend a consultation with a specialist to assess the patient’s general health and best method of treatment. This consultation process will also estimate how many sessions are necessary to treat the area of thread veins.

The most effective treatment for thread veins in the leg area is sclerotherapy. This treatment involves the injection of a solution directly into the thread veins with the use a miniscule needle. Any solution injected into thread veins during sclerotherapy will need to be prescribed and administered by a suitably qualified practitioner.

The impact of injection into the vein is generally immediate, although thread veins may temporarily refill with blood in the hours or days subsequent to treatment, before permanently disappearing. Generally, any treatment will need to be repeated over a series of appointments to be fully effective.

There are few side effects to sclerotherapy. Treatment may result in some minor irritation or slight marking of the skin.

Although alternative treatments are available for the removal of thread veins on other parts of the body, these prove to be less successful on the leg, and therefore sclerotherapy is considered the superior treatment option for this part of the body. Sclerotherapy is often the main leg treatment offered at Dr Newman’s UK-wide thread vein removal clinics although it can be used in conjunction with a heat process where appropriate.

Which thread vein treatment is best for the facial area?

The treatment that is often most effective for thread veins in this area of the body is thermocoagulation, also known as Veinwave. This involves the application of a small, heated needle to the skin area directly above the thread vein; this seals the vein and prevents it filling with blood.

The treatment is virtually pain-free, although each application of the needle is accompanied by a slight pricking sensation. The treatment may need to be administered over a number of appointments to be fully effective. There are no side effects associated with the treatment, and normal activities can be resumed immediately upon their conclusion.

For more information on thread veins, or to book a thread vein treatment, please do not hesitate to call or email:

T: 0203 002 2274

Email: clinic@drnc.co.uk

Help us find the right treatment for you

Your first step will be to come in for a detailed primary appointment with one of our specialists at our sister company Dr Newmans Clinic, so that they can do a thorough analysis of your skin and advise you on the best treatment options for you.

Depending on the outcome of this initial session, we’ll talk you through your required treatment and any relevant packages. Our treatments are all minimally invasive, which means you’ll be able to walk in and out the same day.

When treating spider veins on the legs or feet, we often combine the Veinwave technique with Microsclerotherapy.

Microsclerotherapy sessions last, on average, between 30 and 40 minutes and a follow-up appointment will be booked immediately after treatment. Thread veins on the legs, feet and elsewhere may need 3 to 4 sessions; we usually recommend a 6 to 8 week wait between each appointment.

Where to find us

We're pleased to be able to provide our world-class spider vein treatment in a variety of places throughout the United Kingdom. Learn more about your treatment options, including Microsclerotherapy and Veinwave treatment, at the clinic closest to you


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